Monday, March 5, 2012

Commissioned Necklaces

 And here is the second. They are modeled on my newly acquired mannequin.

I was recently asked to create necklaces using personal items. Here is the first one, strung around a bicycle charm.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Today's Beach Finds

Here is what I found today walking the beach. There are 47 teeth in a whelk.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Necklace in the sand

This beautiful picture was captured by one of my beach friends, Stephanie, right before a wave almost drenched us and claimed the necklace. Thank you Stephanie!

 It was high tide...

And I almost lost it!

The latest necklace was made with a piece of green pottery, a piece of vertebrae, a crab claw, and a lemon shark's tooth all found the day before I met Stephanie, who was out photographing a beautiful sunrise.